Monday 2 March 2015

HB Blog 61: How To Publish Android Application On Google Play.

In this post, I will show how to publish android application on Google play.
Publishing is the general process that makes your Android applications available to users. Before you publish your apps on Google Play and distribute them to users, you need to get the apps ready, test them, and prepare your promotional materials as well as go thorough few forms and signups.
Preparing your application for release is a multi-step process that involves the following tasks:
1)Building and signing a release version of your application:-
Firstly, build your application which includes standard of designed user interface, standard coding  development and android permissions as per requirement, testing phase, etc. Few pre - build process such as remove log calls, remove the android:debuggable attribute from your manifest file,  test all services, add analytics or error logs if required, provide values for the android:versionCode and android:versionName attributes, then building and signing a release version of your application. As an output signed .apk file is generated.

2) Register for a Publisher Account:-
Visit the Google Play Developer Console. Go through the signup process which includes basic information about your developer identity - name, email address, etc., add up promotional materials, screenshots, description, etc. Finally read and accept the Developer Distribution Agreement by paying a $25 USD registration fee.

3)Uploading your signed apk file:-
Now, upload your first signed apk. It looks so simple but the real job starts now. After uploading your apk do keep in mind that the application will be used by number of users all over the countries you have selected in registration form, so do test the application after it is live on Google play and verify if all things are on rigth path.

Happy publishing... :)

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