Saturday 1 August 2015

HB Blog 86: Android Device Monitor Tools.

The Android SDK includes a variety of tools that help you develop mobile applications for the Android platform. Android Device Monitor is a stand-alone tool that provides a graphical user interface for several Android application debugging and analysis tools. The Monitor tool does not require installation of an integrated development environment, such as Android Studio, and encapsulates the following tools:
Android Studio includes a debugging tool called the Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS), which provides port-forwarding services, screen capture on the device, thread and heap information on the device, logcat, process, and radio state information, incoming call and SMS spoofing, location data spoofing, and more. On Android, every application runs in its own process, each of which runs in its own virtual machine (VM). Each VM exposes a unique port that a debugger can attach to.
When DDMS starts, it connects to adb. When a device is connected, a VM monitoring service is created between adb and DDMS, which notifies DDMS when a VM on the device is started or terminated. Once a VM is running, DDMS retrieves the VM's process ID (pid), via adb, and opens a connection to the VM's debugger, through the adb daemon (adbd) on the device. DDMS can now talk to the VM using a custom wire protocol.
Start DDMS :-
To use it, launch the Android Device Monitor, and click the DDMS menu button. DDMS works with both the emulator and a connected device. If both are connected and running simultaneously, DDMS defaults to the emulator.

Hierarchy Viewer :-
The Hierarchy Viewer allows you to debug and optimize your user interface. It provides a visual representation of the layout's View hierarchy (the Layout View) and a magnified inspector of the display (the Pixel Perfect View).
Start Hierarchy Viewer :-
From Android Studio, choose Tools > Android Device Monitor or click the Android Device Monitor icon. Click the Open Perspectives icon and select Hierarchy View.

Systrace :-
The Systrace tool helps analyze the performance of your application by capturing and displaying execution times of your applications processes and other Android system processes. The tool combines data from the Android kernel such as the CPU scheduler, disk activity, and application threads to generate an HTML report that shows an overall picture of an Android device’s system processes for a given period of time.
The Systrace tool is particularly useful in diagnosing display problems where an application is slow to draw or stutters while displaying motion or animation. 
Start Systrace :-
The Systrace tool has different command line options for devices running Android 4.3 (API level 18) and higher versus devices running Android 4.2 (API level 17) and lower.
The general syntax for running Systrace from the command line is as follows.
$ cd android-sdk/platform-tools/systrace
$ python [options] [category1] [category2] ... [categoryN]
Traceview :-
Traceview is a graphical viewer for execution logs that you create by using the Debug class to log tracing information in your code. Traceview can help you debug your application and profile its performance. When you have a trace log file (generated by adding tracing code to your application or by DDMS), you can load the log files in Traceview, which displays the log data in two panels:
    A timeline panel -- describes when each thread and method started and stopped
    A profile panel -- provides a summary of what happened inside a method

Start Traceview :-
In the Android Device Monitor tool bar, click DDMS and select a process.
Click the Start Method Profiling icon to start method profiling.
After the profiling is complete, click the Stop Method Profiling icon to display the traceview.

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